How to Create a Payment Profile

Hello and welcome back to the Optionpay academy. Today we are going to be looking at payment profiles. Specifically, how to create payment profiles, as well as how to process a charge for payment profiles.

First, let’s talk a little bit about what a payment profile is why they are useful. These are essentially customer profiles that we can use to save billing information and credit card information on file in a secure manner. When saved, the card information is truncated, but the customer information is fully visible and editable. This is useful for recurring transactions, or for customers that regularly process transactions with the same credit card, as it allows you to simply charge the card on file, rather than having to collect all of the card information for every transaction. 

Now that we know what payment profiles are used for, let’s take a look at how to create them. From the Optionpay homepage, click on the “Payment Profiles” dropdown option in the navigation bar and click on “Create/Manage Payment Profiles”

If you have any payment profiles created, you will see them listed in the table of this page:

Notice that the only card information that is visible is the card type (Visa), the last 4 digits of the card number, as well as the expiry. Aside from that we can see the customer information and status of the card.

To create a new profile, simply click on the “Create a New Payment Profile” button.

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From here, simply start filling out the required profile information fields which are marked with an asterisk. 

Notice that in the “Type” field, there are 2 options: “Credit Card” and “Pre-Authorized Debit”. If the pre-authorized debit type is selected, bank account information will need to be provided, otherwise a credit card number will be required.

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Once the profile information has been completed, you’ll see an “Internal Notes” section. This is used only if you wish to provide notes on the account for reference. These are only visible within the Optionpay portal, so a customer would never see these comments.

Below the notes section we have the credit card collection form, which accepts the usual fields: Card number, name on card, card expiration and card CVV (3 numbers on back of card, or 4 numbers at the end of the card number for AMEX). Please note that we can see the AMEX logo listed for the type of cards accepted, but if you were not setup to accept AMEX, the logo will not appear on your page. 

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Once completed, click on the “Save” button to save the profile, “Save and Process a Payment Now” to save the profile and then proceed to create a charge on the card number that was saved, or “Save and Create Recurring Billing Schedule” which will save the profile and then take you to a page to create a series of recurring payments for this customer. Processing payments and Creating Recurring Billing Schedules can always be done at a later time, so it is not necessary to create these as soon as the profile is created. 

Alternatively, the “Send Customer Email to Complete Payment Profile” button will only save the email address that was entered, and will send a link to that email address to complete all of the other profile information including entering the credit card or bank account number, depending on which type was selected. 

An email will be sent from and will look like this:

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When the link is clicked it will take the customer to the same profile creation page,  but all fields, with the exception of “Type” and “Email”, will be blank:

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Once the profile is completed, when accessed again, you will see 2 additional options:

“Change Credit Card Number” and “Update Expiry Date”. 

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Clicking on either will expose the appropriate fields to complete each action:

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To process a payment on a payment profile, navigate, again, to the “Payment Profile” dropdown, and click on “Process Payment on Profile”

Here you will see a list of available profiles to select from. Simply click on the “Select” button to the right of the table for the desired profile.

On this page you’ll notice the “Add Attachment” button which will allow you to add a file to be attached on the email notification that will be sent to the customer when the transaction is processed. 

If you do not want to add an attachment, simply enter the amount to charge, the recipient email address, and any internal or public comments that you want to add, click on the “Authorization” checkbox, and submit payment. 

If the payment failed, you will be met with a message in red appearing at the top of the page, for example: 

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If successful, you will be taken to an approved transaction page, the same way as if you were processing a real-time transaction for a customer.

These transaction records will appear in the “Transaction Reports” section once completed:

This concludes our video on Payment profiles. Thank you, once again for tuning into the Optionpay Academy. We’ll see you in the next video.